5 Tips to Spark Your Creativity

Image of child painting

Celebrate National Creativity Day my Top 5 tips to Spark yours.✨
{FYI, number 1 is often overlooked, yet is my personal favorite.}

5 ✨ Break routine: Take a different route to work, try a new hobby or experiment with a new recipe. Stepping away from familiarity and comfort opens your eyes to new perspectives and opportunities you otherwise were overlooking.

4 ✨ Immersive Environments: Surround yourself with things that inspire you, such as art, music, nature... and people! Exposure to different forms of creativity can help spark your own ideas and inspire you to think differently. Might I suggest a cruise event... πŸ˜‰ 🚒

3 ✨ Disconnect: Stop trying to come up with ideas and solutions. Step away from the chaos, disable notifications, and find a space where you can process your own thoughts. Limit your external stimulation so you can really dial in your own thoughts. Silence really can be golden. Except when you try to fall asleep. So keep a notebook handy so you can unload those ideas and get rest.

2 ✨ Play games: Engage in games that require creativity, such as word games, puzzle games, or improvisational games. These can help loosen up your mind and encourage creative thinking. Play is seriously important! If you are a leader, encourage your team to take meaningful brain breaks or include fun puzzles with your internal communication.

1 ✨ Hang out with kids: Can kids be loud, messy, and unhinged? Totally. But so can adults. πŸ™ƒ Kids are still trying to make sense of the world and are not sure how else to communicate it. Don't let that momentary "ugh" let you miss how wildly creative, inspiring, and uniquely smart they are. They haven't been taught, trained, and told how to think to the point of questioning their creativity. Kids are our future leaders and often see the world in a very different way. Embrace the innocence of their ideas and encourage them to hold on to that spark.

πŸ”‘ The key in all of this is to remember that creativity isn't about artistic ability. It's about embracing the unique ideas in your head and heart.

What are you favorite ways to spark creativity?


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