Rejection is Worth Taking Risks


Note to self: feeling like you're getting hit with a lot of rejections only means you're taking that scary leap in putting yourself out there.

It's the same concept as failing forward. Or going for no. No is the answer; yes is the destination.

Sometimes it's easier to wallow in sadness and feel like no one is seeing what you have to offer. Feel it. Name that feeling {likely sadness, heartache, frustration, know... all the warm and fuzzy ones}.

Pivot. That's you're next step. You dig into what you love {that One Little Spark}, see where you may be able to adjust based on feedback or new "ah ha" moments, and proceed toward that next opportunity.

This is your cycle. And it is a never ending cycle because once you reach that destination there will be new realizations and new opportunities to pivot. Don't be afraid of it.

We learn more when we are open to that rejection. Take the risk, recognize the opportunity lost, pivot, and proceed.



Relax! Nothing is Under Control


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