Power of Appreciation

Image of Katie Currens and Lee Cockerell in a coffee shop.

"Don’t underestimate the value of showing appreciation. Little things become the big things. Most people have not been recognized. If you find a way to show appreciation, with a coin, a pin, or a note, they will take it home and show their family." ~ Creating Disney Magic with Lee Cockerell, retired Executive VP of Walt Disney World Resort, Founder of Cockerell Academy

It's always a pleasure getting to see Lee. Lately it's been at Masterminds, but earlier this week it was over a cup of coffee sharing updates and showing appreciation.

Lee has been working on a new course for Cockerell Academy (recording it just the day before!), his books continue to be translated around the world, and he is prepping for the upcoming Creating Magic Mastermind at the end of April. There are limited seats to join... and trust me, you want to be there. [ Link in the comments]

As for me, it's been a bit of a journey lately. Yes, I disconnect and disappear from time to time. Building a business is no small feat, especially unlearning the things I *thought* a business had to be. Despite how much I help people reconnect with the power of their childlike curiosity and creativity, I still have moments I need a reminder to unlearn a few things I was once told, taught, or trained to do. Funny how those lessons can also become our biggest barriers...

And yet here I stand with Lee's encouragement to keep going {and stop thinking from time to time yep, I needed that reminder}.

Sometimes it's easy to forget how far we've come until we stop and acknowledge all that we have created. And right now, there's a lot going on.

  • Two books and a workbook {get ready to S.P.A.R.K Goals }

  • 6 week Ignite Purpose event launch

  • Mastermind cruise this fall

  • Keynote speaking and panel moderating opportunities

  • Podcast Production for multiple shows

  • One Spark Stories podcast back with new stories and perspectives on embracing the spark

  • Innovation Advisory working with leaders to identify and confidently act on innovative ideas. Fun fact: more times than not the ideas come to life by reimagining the way their current employees are working. {thus, not needing to go spend more money on some new buzzword product or program.... }.

Just out here helping people think differently and actually do something about it.
{ Shameless plug; if you're a leader struggling to engage your organization or want someone to facilitate some innovative thinking with your team, message me for more information on what I do and if it aligns with what you need; or if you want to launch a podcast... let's make it happen}

The icing on the cake of our conversation was when Lee handed me this half dollar with an incredible reminder to keep going. There is certainly value in a coin. Yet I believe the real value in life comes from the people we choose to surround ourselves with.

End Request:
Take time to connect with someone, via coffee or a quick message, and let them know how much you appreciate them. Those little actions really do have a big impact.


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