When Virtual Training Attendance Triples

I have been leading virtual training on creating Engaging Accountability in our schools when students are in a need to work virtually. The sessions have been incredible and I have been energized by the shared knowledge and experiences of participants.

Then came the most recent session. I was told to anticipate 30-50 digital participants, so when 98 showed up, it was time to get creative.

How in the world would I allow them to experience an engaging virtual environment with that many of us actively involved in what I had planned? Was it now going to be impossible to carry out the activities and discussions?

Not at all. It just meant it was time to utilize breakout rooms, allow more flexibility in length of conversations, and give grace for the background noise when encouraging group dialogue through "hearing the herd". The opportunity was very much still there. And guess what? It was my favorite session thus far.

Do not allow obstacles to become reasons to lesson the quality of what you have to offer. If anything, use obstacles to demonstrate the process of thinking through a solution. That is likely an even more powerful lesson than whatever you were intending to share

While remote work and virtual learning may feel like uncharted territory to many, we are lucky to have such a thorough implementation model.

As a child I always enjoyed watching the classic cartoons. While the Jetson’s didn’t give us a thorough model for virtual learning, what kid didn’t watch this show in awe while admiring all the technological capabilities?

Now is our chance to take control of how these platforms do shape our world. How are you utilizing technology to enhance what you have to offer? Where do you have room to grow? What aspects of shifting to digital scares the heck out of you?

Things are changing, but you have the power to shape the changes. Let’s make sure we make our future every bit as cool as we expected it to be after an episode of The Jetsons.

And regarding my urge to include the Jetson’s in a professional discourse....as the wise Jimmy Buffet has sung out, “If we didn’t laugh we would all go insane .”


The Empowering Consultant


One Little Christmas Tree