Building Bridges for Kids

If we want to better prepare our future leaders, we need to be more proactive in building bridges between their school lessons and the professional opportunities that exists {or need to be created!}.

For years my son has said that he wants to do AV/Stage Crew work on Disney Cruise Line productions. Yep, it's pretty specific and definitely a long term goal for a young teen, but makes so much sense with his passions and personality.

As parents, we can either sit back and tell him to "focus on getting good grades and into a good university", or we can support his educational career while connecting him with organizations that empower him to see that potential.

Organizations get an eager helper and he gets the opportunity to gain clarity on if this career pathway is really what he loves while surrounded by leaders ready to guide him to success.

What if instead of expecting that parents navigate this type of collaboration, we start building more bridges between our schools, communities, and businesses to create opportunities for kids to see their learning in action?

🤔 Are you ready to be part of the movement to prepare our future leaders by empowering more curiosity and creative collaborations?

I know I am. ✨

{Major kudos to Rise Up Performing Arts for welcoming my son in with open arms for their winter production, Irving Berlin's Holiday Inn. You are making the difference in our future today. 💖 }


Create Until You Can’t


Missed Opportunities Occur by Mislabeling Visionaries