Turn Negativity into Opportunity

Stop letting the negativity and doubts of others bring you to tears and instead start getting giddy with excitement! 

Let someone else’s negativity become your opportunity. Clearly if they have a problem then there must be a solution, right?

Every time someone criticizes something the sparks should be flying with ideas. What better time to innovate?  

Ahhh… but then comes the challenge. 

✨Not everyone sees things the way you do. 

✨Not everyone will believe in what you do. 

✨Not everyone things you are capable of doing it.

 My friend, please understand that uniqueness is your gold mine. Your creativity and curiosity is not understood by anyone else because they've never seen it. In our world, people tend to only believe what they see. So show them.

That is the key to innovation! 

➡️ Stop allowing people to tell you what will or won’t work when they have never tried it themselves.

➡️ Stop being discouraged by people that only show up to ask “how much are you making” when they comfortably return to their stable income.

➡️ Stop taking it personally that people you thought would always be there cheering you on seem to act as though you don’t even exist.  

Those things say far more about them than you. 

When you tap into your authentic energy the world lights up with opportunity in a way others struggle to see. But I truly believe that deep down, they wish they could see it. So instead, they are counting on you.

Keep the sparks flying. People are watching - yes, especially the doubters. Believe it or not, they are pulling for you. No one really wakes up each day hoping you fail {ehh.. maybe a few “Karen’s” out there. But let them fester in their own toxic ways🙃}

Most people are cheering you on so that one day they will get to say, “I knew that badass was going to change the world, I just couldn’t figure out how they were going to pull it off.” 🤩

All it takes its a community of believers to keep you moving on those challenging days. 

Oh, and of course a bit of faith, trust, and pixie dust. ✨


Some Truths are Lies


The Day my Purpose was Born